
December Newsletter 2017

President's Report

Wow what a way to welcome in Christmas, what a comp, record numbers of fish, anglers non-anglers and kids, 61 of them to be exact, in total over two hundred people.

As with other months we had a wonderful team of sponsors, Swaps,
Comag, Golden Flow, and of course Viking Kayaks. I’m sure Garth was the envy of everybody there when he won that awesome Kayak.

As a president it is very humbling to see the continuous growth in numbers attending our comps, especially the high number of women and children. I would like to take this opportunity to thank our committee, they are an awesome team and work very hard to make you club special.

Next, I would like to thank you, our club members, you all come
along to the weigh-ins with a great attitude and with the intention of having a laugh and a lot of fun, I hope you all have a great xmas with your family and friends.

For those who have been members for years you would know there is no comp in January, the next comp is on February the 3rd and 4th. This comp is another very good one with Splice Construction, Begovich Builders, Matamata Sportsworld, and last but not least, a prime beefy from Terry and Carol Holmes and Family.

Wow what a line up, as you can see from the categories there is a great line up of prizes, including game fish, so get out on that beautiful blue water and have a go.

Over the years we have had some very good club afternoons. On Saturday the 10th of February we thought we would have a get together at the Hora Hora Domain, this will be a lot of fun, water skiing, biscuiting, barbeque etc, bring the kids and have some fun.

As president I have had a couple of words in my ear about young ones having a wee drink at the club, that’s all good but I just ask you all as very responsible parents, please just keep a watchful eye out for any indiscretions, we don’t want to fall foul of our licence responsibilities.

Well everyone, I hope you have a wonderful Christmas and look forward to seeing you all soon.

Happy Days
