President Report
Hi, wow who can believe it, here we are at the end of our club season. Just one comp
to go and to many a very important one. The points are close in some categories so
the Kerry McKinley Memorial weekend could make all the difference. Don't forget
if you would like to donate to the prize pool (big or small) every little bit helps
and it all goes in to the prizes for you to win. The now famous ROD and REEL donated
by Hayden from Begovich Builders was raffled and won by Hugh McKean. Hugh
has very kindly donated it back to the club so we are running a raffle for it again and
all the proceeds are going into prizes for the July comp. Come into the shop and
buy a ticket. Nice way to donate to the comp ah??? Thank you Hugh and Hayden
for your wonderful generosity.
Wasn't the June comp a good one? We had an awesome turn out with over a
hundred members at the prize giving. Many thanks to our sponsors – Harry Fort
Decorators, AllenCo Marine and Property Brokers.
Isn't it great to see such a good turnout at our weigh-ins. The club has gone from
strength to strength this season with our membership hitting an all time high and
new sponsors coming on board, many thanks to you all and our committee
team. Like many committee members before them they are doing a great job. It
is so rewarding and humbling to see our club going so well.
Coming up on the 6th of August is our prize giving. This will start with a get
together at the club rooms at 3pm, prize giving at 4pm, with a barbeque meal etc
at approximately 5pm then a bit of good music with Mike Mckinley. Should be a lot
of fun so I hope you can be there. There will be no cost to go, just pay for what you
eat and any money made will go to the music etc.
If you are coming along can you please let us know so we get an idea of numbers,
perhaps text me on 027 472 8674 or just call in and say yes I'll be there.
The next event after that will be the AGM on the 17th of August, would love to see
as many there as possible. Come along and have your input into the running of
the club. As president I love to get as much feed back as possible, at the end of the
day I and the committee want to make your membership of the club as enjoyable
as we can. It's all about fishing and fun with your families.
If you have a trophy can you please get it back to us as soon as poss.
Happy Fishing, Bungey
to go and to many a very important one. The points are close in some categories so
the Kerry McKinley Memorial weekend could make all the difference. Don't forget
if you would like to donate to the prize pool (big or small) every little bit helps
and it all goes in to the prizes for you to win. The now famous ROD and REEL donated
by Hayden from Begovich Builders was raffled and won by Hugh McKean. Hugh
has very kindly donated it back to the club so we are running a raffle for it again and
all the proceeds are going into prizes for the July comp. Come into the shop and
buy a ticket. Nice way to donate to the comp ah??? Thank you Hugh and Hayden
for your wonderful generosity.
Wasn't the June comp a good one? We had an awesome turn out with over a
hundred members at the prize giving. Many thanks to our sponsors – Harry Fort
Decorators, AllenCo Marine and Property Brokers.
Isn't it great to see such a good turnout at our weigh-ins. The club has gone from
strength to strength this season with our membership hitting an all time high and
new sponsors coming on board, many thanks to you all and our committee
team. Like many committee members before them they are doing a great job. It
is so rewarding and humbling to see our club going so well.
Coming up on the 6th of August is our prize giving. This will start with a get
together at the club rooms at 3pm, prize giving at 4pm, with a barbeque meal etc
at approximately 5pm then a bit of good music with Mike Mckinley. Should be a lot
of fun so I hope you can be there. There will be no cost to go, just pay for what you
eat and any money made will go to the music etc.
If you are coming along can you please let us know so we get an idea of numbers,
perhaps text me on 027 472 8674 or just call in and say yes I'll be there.
The next event after that will be the AGM on the 17th of August, would love to see
as many there as possible. Come along and have your input into the running of
the club. As president I love to get as much feed back as possible, at the end of the
day I and the committee want to make your membership of the club as enjoyable
as we can. It's all about fishing and fun with your families.
If you have a trophy can you please get it back to us as soon as poss.
Happy Fishing, Bungey